Submit Your Manuscript

Manuscripts can be submitted in either Ms-Word document format or PDF. Authors should use a standard typeface such as Times New Roman in 12 points. Manuscripts must be submitted in English language. Please, we do not accept manuscripts submitted in other formats and languages other than Ms-Word document format and English language. Once we receive your manuscript, the turnaround time required to edit your manuscript will be mailed to the corresponding author within two hours.
Submit your manuscript to:, or and then, input the following details into the main body of the email:

Academic field of your document(s):
Your deadline:
Subscription Plan:
Style guide:


No file chosen

The format should be either British or American English. The style guide could be Harvard referencing, Chicago referencing, APA style, etc. If no style guide is supplied, we correct references to the style that is prevalent in the document to ensure continuity.

After we have carried out the word count and calculation, an e-mail confirming the price, deadline, format and style guide will thereafter be sent to you. Even if heavy editing is required and we have to spend more time on your document than expected, we guarantee that the calculated price remains the same.

Your document is proofread using the ‘track changes’ function of Microsoft Word. This is a standard function installed in most versions of Microsoft Word. This function allows you to move easily between changes and accept any or all of the modifications proposed by the proofreader. Corrections, suggestions and comments are shown in the right-hand margin and are easy to accept into your document.

When we are done proofreading your manuscript, both files will be returned to you: a tracked version and a clean version of your proofread document. The tracked version is named yourfilename_tracked_version and the clean version is named yourfilename_clean_version.

The advantage of this method is that in the tracked version of your document, you can easily move between the changes the proofreader has made. The clean version is ready to print out and you do not have to type in all the changes yourself. Corrections, suggestions and comments are shown in the right-hand margin of the tracked version.

What We Do.

High quality and easy to comprehend writings in English have since been of a major advantage in the international world of science publishing. Dlight Proofreaders provides you with the best offers like: ■ Edit your write-ups to be apparent and aesthetic.
■ We provide well structured order and sequence.
■ Replacement of wrong words.
■ Providing you with quality editing and clearer write-ups.
■ We setup your manuscript to adhere to authors guidelines and standard.

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